The magick of working with the moon by Sarah Cornforth

29 oktober, 2024

Why work with the Moon?

This is probably one of the most common questions I get asked. And it’s one I love to answer.

The Moon has long been a calendar to ancient civilisations. The ebb and flow of the seasons were measured in Moons, and farming, agriculture and celebration were, and still are, guided by the lunar cycles.

As our closest and fastest moving planetary body we feel the impact and energy of the Moon change daily. This is why we often notice how our moods and motivation change so frequently.

In astrology, the Moon is connected to our feelings and emotions. Our reactions to stress are symptoms of what is going on in our internal world. This is why Moon work is a powerful form of self-discovery.

So why work with the Moon?

Well, because it is a cyclic guide to our inner world, allowing us access to our energy, mood, emotions and feelings. 

By connecting with ourselves in this way, we embark on a journey of personal evolution and growth. The work we do to support ourselves has a knock on effect to the world around us. 

The more time we spend becoming better people the higher the vibrational frequency of the planet becomes, which in turn improves how we live our lives, take care of those around us and look after the planet we call home. 

Yes, it really is that big. 

Things that Impact the Moons energy.

There are a number of things that impact the Moons energy including: 

  • The phase – The Moon moves through eight phases of the lunar cycle in approximately 29.5 days, that’s aroun 3.5 days per phase.
  • The sign – The Moon changes zodiac sign every approximately 2.5 days, changing its theme as it does so
  • The aspects – The Moon has many conversations (aspects) with other planets during the days, weeks and months of the lunar cycle.
  • Void of Course Moon – This is a time of rest. Void of Course Moon energy begins when the Moon has her last conversation with a planet before chaging sign when the VOC ends. This happens every 2.5 days and can last for minutes, hours or days.

How to Understand the Moon and You

This is something that requires a period of observation and commitment. But what’s great about it is we get to do exactly what the Moon encourages us to do which is learn about who we are, how things influence us and how and why we react to situations. 

Journaling & the Moon

By logging what the Moon is up to each day, how you feel and what you do will, over time, help you notice patterns.

You can keep a journal and make a note of things such as:

  • Date & day of the week
  • Phase of the Moon & Moon Sign
  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do?
  • What did you notice? 

You don’t need to do this every day, but the more often you do, the more likely you are to notice patterns in the cyclic energy of the Moon. 

A Lunar Cycle Journey

Setting your intentions at the new Moon is incredibly powerful. But it doesn’t end there. We then take those intentions on a journey through the whole eight phase lunar cycle.

We have already mentioned that the Moon changes phase approximately every 3.5 days. Based on this timeline here’s what a lunar cycle journey could look like.

  • New Moon – Set Your Intentions
    •  My intention for the cycle ahead of me is ……………
  • Waxing Crescent – Take Action
    • The action steps I plan to take to support my intention are……………
  • First Quarter – Get Organised
    • My intention requires greater organisation here ………………
  • Waxing Gibbous – Hone Your Skills
    •  The skills needed to support my intention even further are…………..
  • Full Moon – Practice Gratitude
    • I am grateful for what has supported my intention ………………
  • Waning Gibbous – Release 
    • I release what is no longer supporting my intention …………….
  • Third Quarter – Acknowledge Your Success
    • The result of setting this intention has been ……………..
  • Waning Crescent – Rest and Recharge 
    • This is how I need to heal and rest before the next cycle…………

What about the Moon signs?

Moon signs change more frequently than the phases and can be challenging to work with on a daily basis. However, you can identify your Sun and Moon sign and explore how you feel when the Moon is in those signs.


These signs are prominent in your chart and are an energy that you know well as you were born into it. This can give you added comfort when the Moon is travelling through those signs. However, it does all depend on what is going on in your life right now as astrology meets you exactly where you are in that moment

What was the Moon doing when you were born?

Check out ’What was the Moon doing when you were born?’ over on my blog by clicking the link. I guide you through pulling a free natal chart and working out your Moon sign. You can also sign up for my free Luna Moth Cosmic Community and get your free 3-page  Moon Sign vibe guide.

Blog Link:

How I work with the Moon

This is probably the second most common question I get asked, and one I also love to answer.

I’m blessed to be a teacher of Moon work, as I get to create Moon guides for my Moon Portal members for each new Moon and full Moon, specific to the sign it is in. This means I’ve already done my research and have a clear understanding of the energetic themes of each new & full Moon.

Find out more about the Moon Portal Link: 

I use these guides as the basis of my own lunar practice, and I spend time at each new and full Moon exploring the theme, energies, guidance, life area, support, journaling and tarot connected to each Moon.

Journaling is one of the most powerful actions I take at each new and full Moon. 

As we work through the year, we experience a new and full Moon in every sign of the zodiac. This means we are encouraged to explore every life area in our charts, even the ones we don’t want to delve into.

I journal about how I feel, what events are happening in my life, the guidance each Moon brings forward for me, and I pull tarot cards and look at the astrology of my natal chart to go even deeper.

On some Moons I may only have an hour to spare, and other Moons I can set aside a full day to enjoy an extended practice.

I call Moon work, soul work, as for me, this is a form of therapy, coaching, guidance, spiritual connection and much more.

Magick and the Moon

Magic and the Moon could be a whole article, but I wanted to touch on this because it’s so easy to use the Moon to create structure to your magickal practice.

I personally like to light a candle and draw a tarot card at each of the phases of the lunar cycle. This helps me connect with the energy of the cycle.

At the new and full Moons I take this further as mentioned in the ‘How I work with the Moon’ section of this article. I also like to charge my crystals and cards in the full Moon light, and sometimes enjoy a ritual connected to the element of the zodiac sign the Moon is new or full under.

The Moon is also excellent for spell work, and my top recommended reading for this would be Moon Magic by Rachel Patterson. Don’t be disappointed by its small size, as this is crammed full of information that is much more accurate to the magic and astrology of the lunar cycles than most ’general’ mass produced offerings.

Plan Your 2022 New & Full Moons 

Find out more about the new and full Moons of 2022 on my new and full Moon calendar. 

2022 New & Full Moon Calendar Link: 

During 2022, we have:


  • 13 New Moons
  • 12 Full Moons
  • 2 Lunar Eclipses
  • 2 Solar Eclipses
  • 1 black Moon
  • 4 Super Moons

Thank you 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this introduction to the Magick of Working with the Moon. I feel blessed to share this with you. 

Sarah xx

Sarah Cornforth – The Magickal Creatrix

Sarah Cornforth is a UK artist, Astrologer, Moon mentor, and self-confessed Tarot and Oracle card hoarder.

Creating art and working with astrology and the Moon has been both a healing and a spiritual process for Sarah and has taken her on a Magickal journey of self-discovery.

As The Magickal Creatrix Sarah is able to share her art, spiritual journey and love of the Moon with her online community.

Sarah is the founder of The Moon Portal, an online membership club which guides people on their own lunar journey of self-discovery. She is also the creator of other online programmes exploring the Moon, Magick and Creativity.

For more information, free resources, artwork, online learning and events please visit

You can also connect with Sarah on Instagram @themagickalcreatrix

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