Resting in the vulva of the Goddess

12 mars, 2025

Good title huh?

It was between that and ”Nothing to prove”. But the one I chose was a little bit more fun, I think! And more exciting!

I listened to a podcast today. Ruby Ray with Jaclyn Norton where she interviews Starr Goode who wrote the book Sheela Na Gig- The Dark Goddess of Sacred Power. (… I haaaave to read it …)

You may know Sheela Na Gig, but if you do not, she is the Goddess who is represented on many churches, especially in Ireland. An old bald, smiling woman holding her vulva open with both hands. She shows where the power comes from.

Sheela Na Gig is usually celebrated around Samhain at the end of October because Her vulva represents the transformation between life and death, death and life. But She is also a symbol of spring and the life-giving energies of rebirth around us right now!

I can really recommend that you listen to the podcast! Among all the wonderful things they talk about, she says that Sheela Na Gig has nothing to prove. And that felt like a truth for me in my life right now.

I recognised myself a little bit. Earlier in my life I have always wanted people to SEE me. I wanted them to think I was good. That if they did, it would mean that I had succeed. I felt I had to prove something to others.

Now I have landed more in that I create things because I want to. Of course, I want people to buy my courses and come to my ceremonies because I am proud of what I create. But it’s not in a way that means I have to prove anything to anyone. Maybe that’s why I’m not moving forwards in my business! ha!

(Then you should also know that today is a good day in my cyclical life. Ask me in 10 days how I feel!)

But it was a good insight.

I feel that I can call on Her. I can call on Her power. I am held by Her. By the love of Sheela Na Gig.
I can rest in Her.
I can rest in Her vulva.

The vulva as a symbol is the same as the cave, the womb. Where She holds us. Where we can rest, be transformed and born again.

It is where I can find my way back to myself if I’m lost.

It is where I am held if I’m sad.

It is where I can be born again and again and stand in my power.

I feel that if I call on Her, I can handle this day.
I know who I am.
I have nothing to prove.

Where in your life do you need to call on Sheela Na Gig?

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